Thursday, August 30, 2012

Monkey, More Pets, More Items, and New Jammer of the Month!

 Hey jammers! Today is one of AJHQ's biggest updates yet! Monkeys are back, The Member gift is Monkey Pets,

 Alphas didn't return, new store have co--Wait, ALPHAS DIDN'T RETURN!? Yep, they didn't return. Maybe next up date or the following. As I was saying, New stores are here, A new party is here,

 we reached 100 Million donated gems, Brady Barr has new videos, you can trade Gems for Tickets, for this is the last few weeks of the Summer Carnival!

 A new Costume in Costume Corner, AJHQ still didn't pick a den from the den contest, we have a new calendar, and Long Shot is Gems X2.

Phew, that was a lot! Anyways, I wasn't able to get to the Monkeys Only Party, It wasn't on when I got online AJ. I will make a video and report about it. So that is pretty much it. Oh yea! You can buy tickets, and 3 new plants are out at Treetops Gardens. I also want to congratulate our new Jammer of the Month! Goldfishypuppy! Great Job!

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